
Jamie Romanet (b. Farmington, CT 1978) is an American painter living in France. She has a B.A in English and a B.A in Environmental Geography (CCSU 2000). A painter since childhood, after her undergraduate studies she decided to go to Florence, Italy were she obtained her Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Painting (SACI 2004). Her background includes apprenticing in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina as a painting restorer, and living and working in Paris, France for twelve years. Her practice is a reflection of her deep engagement with literature, poetry, and the natural world. Her knowledge of art-history and the influences of her travels have all enriched her path as an artist. In 2016 Jamie decided to pursue her career full-time as a painter. Since, her work has been featured in numerous blogs and art magazines such as ArtMaze magazine (7), Creative Boom, I Like Your Work, and recently with Frozen Sea, & Broken Lens Journal. She has exhibited internationally in groups shows, and solo exhibitions include All the Hemispheres (2020) with Municipal Bonds Gallery, and Echo (2019) with Turn Gallery, New York, NY. Poetry by Jamie can be found online with Two Coats of Paint, Caesura Magazine and in print with Peripheries Journal(5). She is currently working on a collection.
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Née en 1978 dans le Connecticut aux États-Unis, Jamie Romanet a reçu diplômes en anglais et en géographie (2000 CCSU). Peintre depuis l'enfance, elle a décidé par la suite d'étudier la peinture à Florence et a reçu son diplôme du Studio Art College International. Elle a présenté son travail dans différentes institutions en France et à l’international avec des expositions personnelles à New York et à San Francisco. Elle a collaboré à des publications telles que ArtMaze Magazine, Brenda, Creative Boom, VAST Magazine, et Broken Lens Journal. Egalement, Jamie a publié ses poèmes dans différents journaux et blogs américains comme Two Coats of Paint, Caesura Magazine, et Peripheries Journal.